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Xbox One / Xbox One S

Insider packt aus (natürlich wieder mit Vorsicht zu genießen):

Yes, another article on Pastebin discussing the specs of the next Xbox.

First of all let me say that I'm not going to give you some crap about how "I know someone who knows someone else who happens to know someone at MS" story. Why? Because I don't.

The simple fact is I have some 'info' about the next Xbox. How did I get it? Well it would be rather pointless to try to tell you don't you think? As I said before I'm not going to give some story about how I have some inside contact in MS. And the only other way for me to try to "prove" that this information is right would be for me to reveal a little bit about who I am. And I'm not going to do that. Not to mention that no matter what I do or say there will always be people who refuse to believe, and do everything they can to try to prove otherwise.

Notice how I put the word 'info' in quotation marks. That's because the chances are this may change between January (when I got it) and the release date which I will get to later.

Another question that will no doubt get asked; "Why, if you had the info in January, are you only coming out with it now?" Well the simple answer to that is; why not? When you first get hold of any info like this, you feel kind of smug about having inside knowledge of a product. You want to be "a good boy" about it all and not tell anyone you're not supposed too. But ever since the back end of last year there have been plenty of whispers, and the previous two months has seen quite an explosion in leaks. So why I should let everyone else have all the fun and be a good boy anymore?

Now that the "explaining" has been done, lets get on with the "revealing".

To start as I'm sure you're aware the codename is "Durango". MS really want to have a beast of a machine for next gen.

The CPU:

As a previous Pastebin rumor mentioned:
"The X-Box 3 is going to have an 8-core 64-bit processor (assumedly an i7 or similar design)".

Well let me tell you that that is a load of crap. Intel would NEVER be involved in this process. Although think around 6 cores and you're in the right area. The 64 bit thing was kind of pointless to mention, since its guaranteed the chip would be 64 bit. I have no idea about the clock speed, yet as most people could tell you, these days its not that big of a factor. Like I said Intel aren't producing this, which really only leaves two candidates. I'll give you a hint... its not AMD.

The GPU:

You may have heard of the two GPU rumor already. Think its a load of crap? Think again. That's the road that MS is going down. But I should say, its not your conventional dual GPU set up that you may find in some PC's. MS and AMD have been working on something for quite a while, and if everything works out, expect this thing to blow you away when you first see it. Similar to Xenos from the beginning of this gen, its a pretty innovative chip.

The info on the CPU And GPU should tell you whether or not the Durango will have BC or not.


Short and sweet:
MS were going for 2GB.
Devs complained.
MS listened.
MS bumped up RAM to 4GB.
Most devs were very happy, however 1 or 2 tried complaining again.
MS told them to piss off.

Controller options:

I think most people will be very happy to learn that the Xbox 360 controller will still be the standard controller for the Durango. I don't know if they will make any changes to it, like fixing the D-Pad, but hopefully they will.
And yes Kinect will be packaged in. NOT BUILT IN. That's an important distinction to make. It will not be a full on Kinect 2.0 upgrade. Instead it will essentially be the Kinect for Windows version (so it will have near mode), and since Durango will be significantly more powerful than the Xbox 360, you can expect this Kinect to be an improvement.

Media capabilities:

Yes, Durango will use Blu-ray. And that's really all I know, but since MS want this machine to be the "center-piece" of the living room, you can safely bet it will have all the bells and whistles that you have come to expect from a modern day piece of consumer technology.
I don't actually know this but expect this thing to be running Windows 8 in some shape or form. Since "the father of Windows NT" Dave Cutler. i.e. the guy who created the backbone that all modern Windows OS' are based on recently joined the Xbox team.
If that is true then I would hazard another guess that Durango will share the Microsoft app store with Windows 8 and Windows phone 8. So you can share your apps across three different devices. So start looking forward to playing Angry Birds on your Xbox!

Other bits of information:

A rumor that has been popping up everywhere recently has been the whole "Next Xbox won't play used games". As far as I'm concerned this isn't true, but like I said this info is from January, a lot can change. I really doubt it though, depending on what Sony or Nintendo do, it could do a lot of harm to Durango.

Another rumor is the "Next Xbox requires a constant internet connection to play" Well as far as I'm aware this simply isn't true. Of course things could change, like I said this info is from January. But it doesn't make sense to alienate so many potential customers.

This could simply be a complete misunderstanding of another feature MS would like to have in Durango. That feature is the "always on, always connected, Xbox".

As the name suggests MS want this thing to be on all the time, they really do want to make it the number one used piece of technology in the house. So you never really turn it off (unless you want to). Instead, when you turn it "off" it simply slips into a low powered mode. In this mode, it can still download demos etc... but MS also want to do silent updates. So for example MS have announced there will be a major update delivered to all Xbox's overnight. You simply leave the Xbox in low power mode and by the time you wake up in the morning, everything is all done. That's my take from what I've been told anyway.

So how does this compare to the PS4 (Orbis)? I have no idea, since I have no info about the Orbis, and never will do.

But judging from what I've read and been told, MS are really going for it this gen. They know that if they really push it Sony can't compete (financially)

What about release date and cost? Well release date, all I've been told is 2013.

And cost, I have no idea. But why would ? I doubt if even MS know yet, since it's a year + away from release. But I think MS have learnt from Sony's mistake, and I doubt they will have their own $599 moment. They have the financial muscle to price Durango very competitively.

So that's all folks, I have a job to do.



Es dürfte wohl viel eher so sein das Microsoft selbst die Finale Hardware noch nicht kennt, ganz einfach weil die noch nicht genau wissen wann sie die XBox 3 releasen. Das liegt nämlich nun mal an den Verkaufszahlen der 360 und der Spiele, solange die noch so sind wie jetzt. Hat Microsoft keinerlei grund dafür...

die Werden natürlich wissen in welche Richtigung das geht klar, aber ob nun 4 oder 8 GB Ram, oder 8 oder 12 Core CPU etc wird noch nicht feststehen

Was natürlich feststehen wird, ob ne PowerPC CPU, ne X86 oder was auch immer, und welcher Grundlegende Grafikchipssatz vermutlich auch

Da die Xbox mit DirectX Läuft (Daher ja auch der Name) ist das nicht mal ein wirkliches Problem, DirectX ist ja nun mal dafür da um ein Spiel auf verschiedener Hardware laufen zu lassen...


Ob da überhaupt ne PS 4 kommt, ich glaubs nicht. Da kreist der PleitegeierSmile

Real Life ist was für Versager, die Ingame nichts erreichen.

Denken ist Glücksache, aber nicht jeder Mensch hat in seinem Leben Glück gehabt.

Naja, 10000 Stellen hin oder her, deswegen geht ja Sony noch nicht pleite..

Pleitegeier? Wohl kaum. Das Sony im TV geschäft ziemlich gepennt hat ist bekannt, und schade. Die TV Abteilung ist aber nicht die PS3 abteilung.

Man darf nicht nur auf den "Verlust" gucken sondern muss auch auf die Gewinne gucken. "Verlust" bedeutet oftmals auch das Irgendwo Investiert wurde. Microsoft macht dieses Quartal z.b. auch 840 Millionen $ mehr "Verlust", weil die eben 840 Millionen $ ausgegeben haben... (für AOL Patente)

Sony ist nun weit entfernt von einer Pleite, erst recht im ENtertainment Bereich

Wäre zudem auch für uns nicht gut.
Ein wenig Konkurrenz muss es auf dem Markt schon geben...

und das auch, sonst hätten wir 2025 noch die Xbox 360, weil ja keiner da wär der Microsoft zwingen könnte ne Xbox 3 zu machen

Zitat:Jede Menge Power! Durango Dev Kits verfügen über 16-Kerne

Microsoft rüstet die nächste Xbox-Generation anscheinend mit einer sehr leistungsstarken CPU aus. Aufgrund der neusten unbestätigten Meldungen, diesmal habe sich die Jungs von Xbox World zu Wort gemeldet, sollen aktuell ausgelieferte Entwickler Kits des Xbox 360-Nachfolgers mit dem Codenamen Durango eine CPU mit 16 Kernen besitzen.

Darüber hinaus soll der derzeit verbaute Grafikprozessor in etwa die Leistung einer Grafikkarte der AMD Radeon HD 7000-Serie erreichen. Die Entwickler Kits, die auf leistungsstarken PCs basieren, sollen zwar noch nicht die finale Hardware der nächsten Xbox repräsentieren, die Leistung der neuen Konsole soll aber mindestens auf diesem Niveau liegen.

Wie bei unseren vorherigen News zur "nächsten Xbox-Generation" gilt auch hier: alle Meldungen sind bislang unbestätigt und deshalb mit "äußerster Vorsicht" zu genießen.
Quelle: Xboxfront

I Came, I Saw, I Kicked Ass

Xbox Live Twitch Youtube

Ich glaub diese CPU liegt im Preissegment von über 1000$...

sehr glaubwürdiges Gerücht also... Ugly

1000$ als stückpreis für endkunden oder als ek für microsoft mit massenweise rabatt aufgrund der hohen stückzahlen?

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Letzter Beitrag von Marc
05.03.2024, 18:02

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