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Trials Fusion

der in evo war auch nicht perfekt, kam aber schon ziemlich nah ran Smile

ein anderes feature was demnächst noch kommt (vermutlich mit dem nächsten update) ist die "Teams" funktion Ask sofern man damit nicht mit freunden zusammen an ner strecke basteln kann, kann ich mir beim besten willen nicht vorstellen was das bringen soll. können dann meine teamkollegen für mich noch mehr nutzlose xp mitverdienen, die ich eh nicht angerechnet bekomme? sinnlose team bestenlisten, in denen sich einfach die besten spieler zusammentun? clan-tags obwohl sowieso jeder gegen jeden spielt? ok ein kleiner emblem editor mit dem man sich das team logo auf die jacke pappen kann oder so wäre nett, braucht aber eigentlich auch keiner. kann sich da jemand was sinnvolles drunter vorstellen?

neues update unterwegs

Zitat:No longer will there only be 52 tracks in a feed! It’s not an infinite number, but we have increased the size of the feeds to bring the count up to 1000 per feed. [...] We’ve also included a Trials-series first in the form of split driving lines. This allows for some REALLY interesting things to be done, but be careful, making sure that split lines don’t make one line “the fast way” is up to you. The Shogun will be walking players through the process in his Editor stream, and we’ll have an edited version of the video available as VOD soon.

Feature Updates:

Branching driving lines added to the editor
We’ve enabled branching driving lines in the editor. This means you can create exciting new routes in your tracks including secrets or shortcuts or whatever you come up with. To create a secondary route choose a spline point in between two other points and from its properties choose to create the second route.

Support for viewing up to 1000 tracks in Track Central feeds
Players have wanted to be able to browse through more tracks on Track Central when looking through feeds. We’ve upped the number of tracks per feed to show a maximum of 1000. This should let you find tracks better and get to play lots of cool new content you might have missed otherwise.

Increased track complexity counter for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC
Through miraculous breakthroughs in technology we’ve increased the allowed complexity of player created tracks on next gen platforms and PC.

Voiceovers play fully only once per track run
We want players to enjoy the story of Trials Fusion, but we also understand it’s supposed to be something fun on the side, not meant to distract you from the core Trials experience. We don’t want to force it on players and therefore have disabled full voiceover lines from repeating multiple times on one run of a track. If you exit the track and come back you’ll hear them again. Focus on those better times and don’t let SynDI and George bother you too much!

Track Central
  • Support for pages in Track Central, this allows for more than 52 tracks in a feed.
  • Redlynx Picks feed has been removed and the Track Central layout has been altered. Newest Beginner feed has been added.
  • Sorting search results no longer results in missing tracks.
  • Fixed an issue with the user retaining gamepad input while selecting to add a track to Favorites.
  • Fixed an issue where if two tracks are favorited simultaneously, then one would be downloaded and the other marked as favorite.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not select a track after playing a track in the search page.
  • Fixed an issue with track hint missing when playing the first track in a feed.
  • Fixed an issue with “...” being displayed if the user refreshes the search too quickly.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not view the last page of search results.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting sort options result in no tracks being displayed.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Uplay Recommended tracks from downloading.
  • Branching driving lines have been added.
  • Fixed an error where rapidly using the undo/redo commands in the editor would cause the game to hang.
  • Fixed messaging when a track using DLC items is loaded without having the required DLC installed.
  • Extra Buttons setting now works while testing a track in the editor.
  • Complexity limit for next-gen platforms and PC has been tested and raised accordingly.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would return to the Ride menu if a storage device is removed during ‘Test Track’.
  • Fixed medal placement in Left/Right display showing the wrong medal arrangement in ‘Sorting Order Descending’.
  • Fixed a crash when users press the screenshot confirmation button in fast succession.
  • Rusted Seed buildings should no longer cause a crash when exiting after saving.
  • Debug info no longer displayed for tags when sharing a track.
  • Debug info is no longer displayed when entering the pause menu while testing a track with extra buttons enabled.
  • Fixed an issue causing a crash when loading a saved Favorite that included a checkpoint.
  • Fixed an issue where Mind the Gap in the Welcome to the City tournament would cause a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where no Connection Lost dialog would appear if connection to Online was lost during the final track in a tournament.
  • Fixed an issue where disconnecting a USB drive in Track Info pages would not allow the user to transition back to the main hub.
  • Fixed an issue where playing Jungle Gymkhana after 30 minutes of playing would cause a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where finishing Cold Storage resulted in a crash.
  • Fixed an ‘Infinite Loading Screen’ when a user disconnects the active storage device while a replay is loading.
  • Fixed an unnecessary menu being displayed when the player loses online connection while in the RIDER or BIKES sections of the garage.
  • Fixed an issue with ‘Rocky Road’ in Skill Showcase causing a crash.
  • Total track restarts no longer rise when watching replays of a completed track.
  • Fixed an issue in ‘Airtime’ where the Record Beat message is not displayed when beating a friend’s record.
  • Fixed an issue with the same tracks being displayed when the player moves down a row in the track selection screen.
Local Multiplayer
  • Fixed button prompt for Favorites and My Tracks tabs when tracks are not added.
  • Fixed some issues that could freeze the game when using user generated Supercross tracks
  • Fixed an issue where the application can crash when a controller is disconnected.
  • Heat results now appear when finishing ‘Resort Rush’ and ‘Seaside Derby’.
  • In game notifications should be received faster.
  • Notification times should be correct.
  • Fixed an issue where the player would be returned to the title screen after confirmation of Additional Content confirmation.
  • Track messages now appear after online disconnect and reconnect.
  • Fixed an issue where a black screen would appear when disconnecting a Storage Device while in the bike selection screen.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not activate notifications from Local MP.
  • Fixed an issue where two results screens were shown during upsell screen in Trials mode.
  • Fixed an issue with tournament notifications not appearing after reboot.
  • Fixed an issue with Track and Level Up messages from friends not being received.
  • Notification for tracks shared by friends is now working.
  • Team Notifications are now visible in the Notification Center.
  • Fixed an issue with Notifications not being received under certain conditions.
  • Fixed a texture issue on ‘Eden’ from Empire of the Sky.
  • Fixed an issue where CMAA resulted in a pixelated top bar during gameplay.
  • Restarting a track should not replay the voiceovers.
  • Fixed an issue causing bike sounds to be audible when sound is set to 0 or accessing the in game menu.
  • Fixed an error that could cause replay data to show as incomplete depending on where the replay was accessed from (leaderboard, friends leaderboard, finish screen…).
  • Fixed an issue where the player is not redirected to the Xbox Marketplace when trying to purchase a Season Pass and the store is unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue with audio stuttering when launching the game on a secondary PSN account.
  • Fixed an issue with random crashes when the game has been running for longer than 30 minutes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused crashing when entering Track Central.
  • Fixed thumbnails and info for tracks being displayed while viewing ‘Recent’ from the Ride menu.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Coming Soon’ is displayed for installed DLC.
  • Fixed infinite loading when accessing additional content in main menu and accessing not installed DLC options from the career menu.
Quelle: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/921...st10229219

die erfolge (bzw trophys) für den nächsten dlc sind auf der ps4 schon zu sehn. kann also nicht mehr lange dauern

bei Mir steht auch nich mehr in kürze

Satire ist, wenn die Mörder von Journalisten in einer Druckerei enden.


interessiert sich jemand für paar editor tutorials? ich versuch den kram so einfach wie möglich zu erklären, hoffe man verstehts Smile

hab bisher 24 tutorials mit playliste: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL...DIeJ10rOOq

ich selber hätte niemals genug geduld für sowas, von daher schonmal respekt, für die ganze arbeit. hab mir trotz allem mal ein video angesehen und finde die auch sehr ordentlich erklärt.

Satire ist, wenn die Mörder von Journalisten in einer Druckerei enden.


boah ist das genial! Lol mutetus ist einfach der beste

und WTF?! das hier ist einfach nur krank! WowWowWow (ist aus evolution, daher pack ichs mal in nen spoiler) wie kann man da noch den überblick behalten?? da würd ich in 100 jahren nicht durchblicken! alter...


[Bild: 0aomtak.jpg]
[Bild: zsf9aor.jpg]
[Bild: ioljo4g.png]

Zitat:8 classic Trials tracks
Featuring 24 Challenges
1 Skill Game
1 FMX Track
100+ New Editor Items
Including 12 New Effects
5 Trophies/Achievements
3 New squirrels to discover

Quelle: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/924...st10239563

[Bild: full_1411578172_welcometotheab.jpg]
[Bild: full_1411578172_welcometotheab.jpg.html]
[Bild: full_1411578172_welcometotheab.jpg]
[Bild: full_1411578172_welcometotheab.jpg]
[Bild: full_1411578172_welcometotheab.jpg]

Quelle: http://xbox-newz.de/portal/aktuelles/tri...53037.html

boah ich habs hingekriegt! Smile wenn ich jetzt noch die richtigen drehwerte für all die gelenke rauskriege, kann ich den fahrer richtig animieren und ihn laufen, springen, tanzen oder schwimmen lassen... das "skelett" zusammen zu puzzeln war ein übles gefummel!


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