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Schon. ABER es ist mir wurscht ob irgendwelche kreaturen die farben gewechselt haben ( ob jetzt die hellblauen zu braunen werden oder die schwarzen zu weißen). Schnarch Außerdem ist die Farbe eines getarnten eliten sowieso erst bei kontakt bzw. tot zu sehen Lol



Zitat:Original von Nighthawk

Naja,die Farbe verrät ja die Fähigkeiten einer Elite denke ich mal,denn eine weisse ist auf Legendär zB fast unschaffbar schwer,während hingegen eine blaue "leichter" zu besiegen ist.
die farbe verdient man ja indem man viele gegner umbringt. (siehe bücher). was aber auch wieder zu der kampferfahrung beiträgt Nuts D

Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer; for chaos and madness await thee at its end...

So nur um das jetzt mal zu klären:
Blaue Elite-Minor
Rote Elite-Major
Goldene Elite-Zelot
Blaue Elite mit Jetpack-Ranger
Gelbe Elite-Heretic (Ketzer)
Silberne Elite-Ultra
Schwarze Elite-SpecOps (Special Operations)(die, die sich unsichtbar machen können)
Weiße Elite-Commander


Zitat:Original von Kas
So nur um das jetzt mal zu klären:
Blaue Elite-Minor
Rote Elite-Major
Goldene Elite-Zelot
Blaue Elite mit Jetpack-Ranger
Gelbe Elite-Heretic (Ketzer)
Silberne Elite-Ultra
Schwarze Elite-SpecOps (Special Operations)(die, die sich unsichtbar machen können)
Weiße Elite-Commander
du hast leider zwei Arten vergessen.
Und zwar die ganz Grauen und die Braunen.
jetzt ist die Liaste komplett.

Signature loading...

Braune? Kenn ich nich! Meinst du vielleicht die Heretics oder Spec-Ops??? Graue???????? Meinst du Ultras????

meinst du denn mit graue, die grau/blaue oder die ganz grauen?
Zitat:Original von Kas
Braune? Kenn ich nich! Meinst du vielleicht die Heretics oder Spec-Ops??? Graue???????? Meinst du Ultras????
die braunen sind die unsichtbaren.(meistens)

Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer; for chaos and madness await thee at its end...

Zitat:Original von Kas
So nur um das jetzt mal zu klären:
Blaue Elite-Minor
Rote Elite-Major
Goldene Elite-Zelot
Blaue Elite mit Jetpack-Ranger
Gelbe Elite-Heretic (Ketzer)
Silberne Elite-Ultra
Schwarze Elite-SpecOps (Special Operations)(die, die sich unsichtbar machen können)
Weiße Elite-Commander


Meinst du damit Rang oder Kampferfahrung/Kampfkraft? Ask Dann würde ihc nähmlich einiges vertauschen... Bei HALO 1 gab es doch die schwarzen Eliten( letztes level in der cafeteria )?! Ich denke, die wurden einfach durch ULTRAS ersetzt, sodass beide farben zu den Spec.Ops. gehören



Zitat:Original von Master Sergeant
Zitat:Original von Kas

So nur um das jetzt mal zu klären:
Blaue Elite-Minor
Rote Elite-Major
Goldene Elite-Zelot
Blaue Elite mit Jetpack-Ranger
Gelbe Elite-Heretic (Ketzer)
Silberne Elite-Ultra
Schwarze Elite-SpecOps (Special Operations)(die, die sich unsichtbar machen können)
Weiße Elite-Commander


Meinst du damit Rang oder Kampferfahrung/Kampfkraft? Ask Dann würde ihc nähmlich einiges vertauschen... Bei HALO 1 gab es doch die schwarzen Eliten( letztes level in der cafeteria )?! Ich denke, die wurden einfach durch ULTRAS ersetzt, sodass beide farben zu den Spec.Ops. gehören
dachte ich eigentlich auch..denn, wo sieht man in h2 schon schwarze eliten??! Nuts

Thou shalt not follow the NULL pointer; for chaos and madness await thee at its end...

Zitat:Original von Spartaner 77
Zitat: Wer ist eigentlich stärker: Ein Zelot oder ne weiße Elite

Also, ich will ja nicht Spammen aber,die Zeloten sind im ersten Teil immer,(oder fast immer) mit einem Partikelschwert bewaffnet.
Das heißt dann das man beim ersten Schlag Hobs geht(im ersten Teil).
Im 2ten Teil zieths dir nur die Hälfte deiner Energie ab(auf Normal).

Also in Halo 1 sind die Zeloten mit Abstand die Stärksten (auf legendär brauchen die 3 Schüsse mit dem Sniper um zu sterben).
Im zweiten Teil sind die Weissen (spec ops) noch stärker als die Zeloten (die brauchen da teilweise 4 Schuss Sniper um zu sterben Wow )

Außerdem brauch man, da die Zeloten (meist) nur Schwerter haben , nur vor diesen wegrennen, ihren Schlägen ausweichen und nebenbei auf die Schiessen.
Während die spec ops fast immer Plasmagewehre haben (manchmal sogar 2 davon Wow ) und dich damit so dermaßen dicht ballern Baller

Known Elite ranks and positions
· Councilor: Councilors are the political leaders of the Elites, and share power with the Prophets on the Covenant's High Council. Their ceremonial armor is quite distinct, a light silver color with a tall crested helmet. Like the Zealot and Honor Guard Elites, the Councilors are extremely skilled fighters who favor Energy Swords and Plasma Rifles. They also possess extra-strong energy shields and health, which are twice as strong as a Zealot's.
· Honor Guard/Ultra Honor Guard/ Councilor Honor Guard: The personal bodyguards of the Prophet Hierarchs, the Honor Guards wear distinct, ceremonial red armor, with glowing orange edges which are similar in some ways to samurai armor. Ultra Honor Guards wear the same glowing armor but with white under-armor. An Ultra Honor Guard is seen in High Charity, with an honor guard helmet, white armor, and orange spikes. There are also two other variations which appear at the end of the level Gravemind. One seems to be a combination of an Honor Guard and an Ultra, the other is a combination of an Honor Guard and a Councilor. They usually operate in teams of two, with one Honor Guard wielding an energy sword and another dual-wielding plasma rifles. However, in cinematics they are seen carrying double-pointed spears, reminiscent of the oldest known weapons of the Sangheili during the Prophet-Sangheili War before the Covenant was formed. Honor Guards are hand chosen and blessed by the Prophets after repeated merit in battle. Since Elite ranks are graded by merit of inflicted damage and casualties on enemy forces over the career of a given Elite, it is a safe assumption to make that Honor Guards may have been directly responsible of the slaughter of tens of thousands of enemies. These are considered the greatest Elites within the entire Covenant, which is then multiplied for those who have reached the Ultra Honor Guard status.
· Zealot/Ship Master/Field Master: The Generals and Admirals of the Covenant military; commanders of battalions, ships, and fleets. The Zealots are some of the toughest and most skilled Sangheili and adorned with the best equipment possible. In combat, they are constantly moving and seeking cover, making it difficult to maintain continuous fire on them. They also run faster than other Elites and the Master Chief, and fire in longer, more accurate bursts. Commanders are also equipped with overshields, allowing them to withstand considerable amount more damage than other Elites. Most Zealots fight with Energy Swords gauntlets and other Close combat weapons. Unlike other Elites, Zealots do not seem to throw any grenades, nor will they ever board a friendly vehicle. The current Arbiter once held this rank before his failure at Installation 04. It is unclear as to how an Elite gains the rank of a Zealot, but it is speculated that not all the Ship and Field Masters are Zealots. Only a select few are chosen to be blessed by the prophets for acts of outstanding bravery and heroism.
· Ultra/Spec Ops Commander: Ultras command major operations within the Covenant. While Zealots handle large-scale operations such as the command of a ship, armored battalion or fleets, Ultras command major commando operations, such as the protection of a Scarab platoon. Like the Zealot, Ultras are extremely skilled warriors. They also possess extra-strong energy shields and health that can withstand three times as much damage as those possessed by Minor Elites. They often fight with heavy or dual-wielded weapons. Many also carry Energy Swords as their secondary weapon, but don't initially brandish it; when enemies get too close, sustain a certain amount of damage, or when they are stuck by a Plasma Grenade, Ultras let out a war cry, drop their currently wielded weapon and pull the sword out for close combat. They are particularly effective in close quarters combat, where their stronger energy shields and Energy Sword allow them take down large numbers of enemies rapidly and easily survive. An important Ultra, identified as the "Spec Ops Commander" (and referred to by fans as "Half Jaw" for his missing mandibles), fights along the Arbiter's side against the Brute-led and Prophet-backed insurrection.
· Special Operations: Covenant Special Operation Troopers are extremely skilled fighters often with decades of combat experience, sent in by the Covenant to accomplish the most dangerous and secretive of missions. Like Zealots and Ultras, Spec Ops Sangheili are constantly on the move and never stand still or expose themselves to enemy fire. They also have superior accuracy and fire in longer bursts. While Spec Ops Sangheili are identical to Majors in regard to their shields and health their superior skills set them apart by a considerable margin. They also do not "berserk" when seriously injured, unlike many other Sangheili. Most notably, Spec Ops Sangheili operate in squads and are extremely skilled and accurate grenade throwers. In Halo, they are the Covenant's elite shock troops, similar to the role played by the UNSC's Orbital Drop Shock Troopers, or Helljumpers. They were assigned to eliminate all Flood on a damaged Covenant cruiser "Truth and Reconciliation" and repair it for immediate departure. They were present when the Master Chief boarded that damaged cruiser to find what was left of Captain Jacob Keyes. They were also present on the Pillar of Autumn just before the first Halo was destroyed by its reactors going critical. In Halo 2, All Spec Ops Sangheili are equipped with Active Camouflage, and use it when needed. In Halo 2, Spec Ops Sangheili have a dark blue or black armor, showing subtly that they are no ordinary Sangheili without drawing lots of attention like a Zealot, Ultra, or Major Sangheili would from enemies in combat.
· Ossoona/Stealth: Translated as "Eye of the Prophet," these Sangheili serve as scouts, observers, and infiltrators, and are equipped with active camouflage, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye. The camouflage fluctuates slightly when these Sangheili fire their weapons or are shot, but they will not become fully visible until they are killed. The drawback of the active camouflage is that it disables the Sangheili's energy shields, making Osoonas vulnerable to damage. In Halo 2, however, Osoonas are now equipped with energy shields (with the expense of some of their invisibility). They are equal in rank to the Spec Ops Sangheili, and often brandish Energy Swords they activate after sneaking up on an enemy. The energy swords, however, cannot be active camouflaged, and are easily seen. Several armor colors have been noted among Ossonas and Stealth Elites; in Halo they wore very light blue, while in Halo 2 they come in gray, bronze, and steel colors as well. Stealth Sangheili generally make better decisions in combat than that of regular Sangheili.
· Ranger (Volunteer Force): These Sangheili are issued jetpacks and vacuum suits to protect them from the lack of air in space. They almost always dual-wield plasma rifles, signifying they are of relatively high rank. Their helmets completely encase their heads. They are usually seen traveling in small groups of 2-3 as fast attack assault troops. Rangers also generally make better decisions in combat than regular Sangheili.
· Major: Major Sangheili are veterans and have better equipment then Minors. They are overall more agile, more accurate, and more aggressive than Minor Sangheili, and seldom make tactical errors in combat. A single Major Sangheili can hold his own against an entire squad of Marines. In Halo 2, they can often be seen dual-wielding or carrying heavy weapons or other close combat weapons.
· Minor: The most common and least experienced tactical Sangheili. Minors are still skilled warriors superior to any human marine, but they are somewhat weaker than Major Sangheili. Minor Sangheili are the physical equal of SPARTAN supersoldiers, (all Sangheili ranked higher than a Minor are seen as physically superior in strength and speed to a SPARTAN supersoldier.) They often make tactical errors such as standing in one place while firing, or rushing forward into enemy fire. They also fire in shorter bursts, and have somewhat less accuracy. Along with Major Sangheili, they often lead squads of Grunts into battle.
· Heretic: These Elites have rebelled against the Covenant and have chosen exile on the Forerunner Gas Mine suspended in Threshold's atmosphere. Their armor is different from the Covenant variety. The back armor is adorned with ridges and some sort of gas storage. They lack helmets altogether and instead choose to affix globes over their eyes for protection and place breathing apparatuses between their mandibles. Their shielding technology is slightly different as well as it glows purple whenever it deflects damage. They are comparable in strength and intelligence to the Sangheili Majors of the Covenant. The Heretic Leader's armor is red and has blend of Heretic armor and Ranger jetpacks.

Gott schütze mich vor meinen Freunden; mit meinen Feinden will ich schon selbst fertig werden.

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