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Normale Version: Paradoxing Glitch
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bin bei Youtube auf folgendes gestoßen:

Hier sieht man wie 2 Spieler scheinbar aufeinander die Wand nach oben "schweben".

Aber was ist hier passiert? Ich zitere an dieser Stelle den Author:
Zitat:"What happened: Two parralel realities were created, and when they clashed, they created a paradox: While he jumped off of my head, I jumped off of his head. This works thanks to the Reach movement system. Movement of your Spartan/Elite happens on your xbox, merely position can be reset by the host.
So when I started running in front of him, he started running in front of me. When I jumped in front of him, he jumped in front of me. When he was flung high into the air on my screen, all that really happened was that he reached the position on his xbox on my xbox including the jump height off of my head.

As starting to run at the exact same time is very difficult, I came up with a solution that makes timing a lot easier: Line up for the wall on which you want to "Paradox" and have the person in the back jump over the person in the front and run against the wall, then jump rapidly. The person in the front starts running when the person in the back is right behind him, and when he reaches the wall, he starts jumping rapidly."

Hier findet scheinbar ein Lag zwischen Host und Client statt welches Spieler A an der Mauer über Spieler B sein lässt. Auf dem Bildschirm von Spieler B ist aber Spieler B auf Spieler A - somit können sie unendlich nach oben springen. (Funktioniert natürlich auch im Matchmaking ;-)

Hier eine etwas bessere Erklärung was hier passiert:
Zitat:It's pretty simple how it works. I'll try my best to explain it how I understand it.

"Paradoxing" doesn't work on local because everyone is seeing the same thing. Halo's multiplayer, with most Xbox games, works on a listen type server. A listen server is where the host is plays in the game. So, naturally what each player sees varies depending on how well they connect to the host. Everyone sees things differently in the game even if it is off by a pixel. This is why we see things such as "blood shots" and such because on the player's screen he shot someone, but on the host's screen they missed the target.

Now I will get into the actual mechanics of the technique. Let's say you have player A and then player B. They both start by facing towards a wall, player B starting behind player A (this isn't the only way that "paradoxing" is possible, but just as shown in the videos). Now player B runs towards player A and jumps over their head and then becomes in front of player A, on player B's screen. When player B is about to pass player A, player A begins to move forward so that player B is not in front, on player A's screen. Now you are in the "paradox." Player A is in the front on their own screen, while player B appears to be in front on their own screen.

Now each player jumps one they reach the wall. Because they are in the "paradox" the opposite person will reach the wall last making the main person on the top. So, player A will be on top on their screen, while player B will be on top on their screen. Since they jumped into the wall they will have upward force, thus pushing them up to the top. Player A will be pushed up by player B on player A's screen, and vice visa. So, basically player A is being pushed upwards by player B because player B is being pushed upwards by player A because player A is being pushed upwards by player B because... and so on, making the paradox happen.

Der selbe Effekt ist hier bei ca. 1:01 min zu sehen:

Schon mal gewundert wenn ihr während eines Anschlags auf einen Gegner von diesem auf einmal selbst abgestochen wurdet? Genau dieser Lag findet hier statt.

Ich sehe die nächsten Tage die ersten Sniper Camper am Rande von Hemorrhage vor mir :-(
Gibt doch nen Jet Pack, lol
Ich denke das ist eher für Camper bei Sniper-Matchmaking (kein Jetpack) interessant.